How Are You Making You A Consistent Priority?

Consistency is a challenge to every yoga practice. Sticking with your practice when you’d rather stay up late, sleep in, or simply skip it just because takes effort and commitment.

It takes Effort to resist the temptation to binge watch one more episode of Stranger Things. Effort to resist hitting the snooze button for the 10th time.

And it takes commitment to you. That’s one of the hardest commitments to make because there’s this weird notion out there that taking care of you is selfish. Let me be clear. Taking care of you needs to be one of your highest priorities. It’s as necessary as oxygen. A nervous, anxious, stressed out you doesn’t do you or anyone you love any good.

This week I’m traveling and I know how much easier it is to not practice. I chose to take 15 minutes and practice asana and ground myself with a simple effective vinyasa flow. I took care of me first. The rest of the day is easy.

How are you making you a consistent priority?


Upcoming Yoga Classes

Every Monday morning at 6:30am at The Studio at Derry Massage and Wellness. Beginning June 2, 2018 on Saturday mornings at 7am at The Studio at Derry Massage and Wellness.

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Wine After Yoga

June 9, 2018

Grab Your Ticket!

Author: Peggy Nolan

Passionate fiber artist.

16 thoughts on “How Are You Making You A Consistent Priority?”

  1. A poignant question, Peggy. I’m rethinking my commitments and where I place my time, talent, and treasure as I enter the summer. Like you, I seek to be consistent…be it perfectly imperfect most days.

  2. This is just the message I needed to read this morning Peggy! I make myself a priority in many ways but not around yoga and I have been wanting to re-commit so thank you for the nudge. I plan to be prioritize my yoga practice and will put it in my calendar – starting today! Thank you so much!

  3. Great post Peggy! I don’t practice Yoga, but I’m consistent in making myself a priority in different ways because I know I matter and understand the ripple it has. At the end of the day, we’re always committed to something, whether it’s consistency or inconsistency. We just have to be aware of our choices 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  4. Taking care of you aught to be your highest priority. Yassss!
    Thank you Peggy for sharing . Loved it.

  5. It’s great to see a blog from you! =) Consistency is so important, right? I teach my students how important consistency is in their marketing (it’s how you get clients!). Thank you for this reminder. xoxo

    1. Ever so slowly I’m adding the things that serve me and those I serve. A year to clear my head and weed out the noise was exactly what I needed 😁 being consistent in one thing, my yoga practice, made the most sense and brought me peace amongst the chaos and noise.

  6. Taking care of myself is high priority. I have a daily routine that works for me, I eat healthy most of the time and get exercise. I love yoga, I really need to make it more of a priority as I’d like to start it again every day. I tend to start and then stop for awhile. I love doing different forms of meditations

    1. I am so glad you make you a High priority. I’ve been there…falling off my yoga practice and not practicing all that much. Last year I recommitted to making a yoga a consistent practice. One of the side benefits is that it’s helped me focus more and be clear about what I desire to make happen in my life right now.

  7. Thanks, Peggy. A recent bout with knee surgery (on what used to be my “good” knee) moved me from my regular exercise routines to physical therapy. Holy accountability, Batgirl! I’ve been scheduling my life *around* PT rather than trying to ‘squeeze it in.’ Soon, I’ll be transitioning back to daily swimming and eventually back to yoga. Each requires a different schedule.

    And that’s the way it goes with my self-care; if I don’t get it on the calendar first, it can get sloughed off to the side.

    It’s good to see you posting again.

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